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it shouldn't matter what other people think. The former Japanese league stars pitched a solid five innings apiece in a matchup that drew about 50 members of the Japanese media. Number of times I have tried = 0. Hold a conversation? Go to YouTube and search "shock collar". but corporal punishment is not exactly 100% effective. "… I'm not in the same league, not in the same division, so it's not going to be anything other than a whole new challenge for me. And given the circumstances, now that I'm two months removed, I think of what could have been, and I could be doing nothing right now, realistically." Enable your logic units for just a minute. Buried as inaccurate. Braves claim win in Japanese matchup Now what I really want is an MKV compatible PS3 so I can play all my... God forbid women could get off their asses and ask someone out for a change.. 8i| 4r| 4|